Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bull elephant seal vs Orca?

Who wins this fight 1 on 1 in shallow water?

Remember a bull elephant seal can weigh upto 11000 lbs and reach a length of upto 18 feet. Personally anyone who says the orca will win is being silly, the orca doesn't have strong enough teeth or aggression to beat the elephant seal.

Bull elephant seal vs Orca?
Given that smaller sharks kill elephant seals I'm afraid you're quite wrong here.

You also apparently have no idea about how an orca jaw is structured. Their jaws look stubby and powerless because the melon, which shapes their sonar, sits over the top jaw. In actual bone and muscle architecture orcas have sharp teeth and dangerous jaws. Look here ( to see an orca skull, with jaws and teeth.

The other problem with your scenario? Elephant seals don't cooperate, while transient orcas do, and do so effectively enough to rip apart gray whales, which outweigh orcas by a factor of six. Orcas themselves outweight a bull elephant seal by aproximately the same factor.

The idea that orcas are nice or ineffective predators comes from the behavior of fish-eating resident pods, which have not interbred with the dangerous mammal-eating transients for something like 10,000 years. Comparing the two is like comparing pacifist Buddhist farmers with Mongol warriors because they are both human cultures from central Asia.
Reply:Shallow water? The seal. Anything more where the Orca can navigate, like the rest of the ocean, the Orca. Seriously, why would an Orca go into a wading pool to pick a fight with an Elephant seal? That's like you crushing an ant by sticking your arm into an ant hill.
Reply:Not gonna happen

but the seal would win
Reply:Seems like you already have the answer you are looking for and arent really willing to accept anything but what you think.. so why ask?

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