Monday, November 16, 2009

Newfie joke...?

A Newfoundlander living in Toronto decided to visit the Metro

zoo. While there, he saw a man with an elephant act. The man

claimed the elephant could look at a person and tell that person's age.

The Newfie was very skeptical and said so, in no uncertain terms. The trainer had the elephant look at a small boy and the elephant stamped its foot 9 times. "Is that right?" he asked the boy. "Oh yes," the boy said.

The Newfie was very loud in expressing his disbelief, so the man

asked the elephant to tell the ages of several other people, and each

time the elephant stamped his foot, the people said he was correct.

The Newfie got even louder and more abusive toward the man.

Finally the trainer could take it no longer and offered to bet the

Newfie that the elephant could look at him and tell him his age.

The Newfie accepted the wager.

Newfie joke...?
A story like that has to be true.
Reply:Haha! Funny! Star! *
Reply:Funny joke, good one.
Reply:haha that one was good

Reply:sure saves time rather than stomping 42 times


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