Monday, November 16, 2009

Why do elephants have big, round feet?

To stamp out flaming ducks

Why do elephants have big, round feet?
they have a big round feets to support their weight.They r tall too so it help them to locomate esaily.
Reply:If you weighed as much as mature elephants do, (up to 10,000 + lbs.), You want big feet to walk the 20 miles (on average) you walk per day.
Reply:If they were too pointy they would sink into the ground.
Reply:to support their body weight. And elephants can stand for long hours because their legs are straight. I could use something like that when I'm working or a good chair will do but we are not allowed to seat. How cruel!
Reply:I don't know what "Elefants with big round feet have to do with Astronomy and Space"...... but the answer is

"that way they cannot fall in square holes"

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