Monday, November 16, 2009

Do You Know Who Your Friends Are (a bit sad)?

A man goes to Africa on a safari. While there, he comes upon an elephant, in great pain, with a giant thorn in its foot. Rather than shoot it to get the trophy he came for, the man very carefully approaches the elephant and gingerly removes the thorn from its foot.

The elephant begins to limp away, but then turned and stared at the man for a full minute, locking eyes with him. The elephant then continues on its way.

"I wonder if I ever see that elephant again if it will remember me?" the man muses to himself.

Twenty few years later the man is at a circus back in the States. He notices that one of the elephants keeps looking at him, almost like it knows him.

The man wonders, "Could this be that elephant I helped so long ago?" He decides to get a closer look.

With the elephant still giving him the stare down, the man moves in closer, getting right up in front of the elephant. They lock eyes. A knowing look seems to cross the elephant's face.

The elephant reached down... picked the man up carefully with its trunk... lifts him high in the air... then throws him crashing to the ground and stomps him to death!

Turns out it wasn't the same elephant.

Do You Know Who Your Friends Are (a bit sad)?

(as I read this joke, an advertisement popped up in the right column. I kid you not, it said "Elephant Balls for Sale" It was for a billiards place...)

:-) bbjo
Reply:I guess I'll have to be more careful around elephants!!!
Reply:dang the bad luck lol
Reply:BHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA oyu made my day dooode %26lt;33
Reply:What do you get when you crossbreed an elephant ,a wino and a rhino?Answer:Ahelofaiwino or ahelifiknow.I don't know,you all fiqure it out.
Reply:Lol Rogue elephant hhehe
Reply:lol, good one!
Reply:lmao...good one!
Reply:Imao, god that got me laughing!

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