Friday, May 21, 2010

Does anyone know the name of this older ape movie?

It is not Planet of the Apes.

I remember watching it on TV 13, 14, or 15 years ago at my grandparents house.This is what I remember: women were captured and they had to be held in stone cells and they were waiting to meet their "husbands" or whatever. When they were brought to them they had to ride on elephants either from the cell to the forest only a few feet away or from the cell through the forest to an open area to "meet" them. They hads to keep their eyes closed the entire time and when the elephant stopped and ape or a gorrilla dropped fromt he trees. The women opened their eyes and screamed while the primate took them away to the trees. I'm not sure if that was part of the punishment, a sacrifice thing, or if they were just waiting to meet a "husband" but primates werwe really what they were. A CATCH: I remember it being in bad quality like it was from the late 1940's, 1950's, 1960's, or maybe even 1970's. I've been trying to figure it out for at most 15yrs. thanks in advance.

Does anyone know the name of this older ape movie?
I don't know the film, sorry, but maybe this will help?

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