Friday, May 21, 2010

Giant men. giant womanbats evolutionists help me out here?

Fossil record has shown:

Giant oysters on top of everest, now we have tiny ones

Giant elephants found in britian, now we have tiny ones, no where near britian

Giant cats, compare a sabre tooth tiger to it's modern equivalent

Dragon flies with 5 foot wing spans, compared to their modern day equivalents

Giant beavers, the size of a car, compare with their modern equivalents

it goes without saying, imagine how big the spiders must have been to catch those dragon flies....yea i know

lets not even get started on 50 foot sharks, in fact you would need jaws as bait to make them at all interested

the mastadon, the sabre tooth tiger and man all lvied together at the same time, according to evo's anyhow it's one thing we agree on

Why did the mastodon shrink to become a elephant so tiny in comparison

why did the sabre too th tiger shrink to become the tiger

why did the car sized beaver shrink to become a 2 by 4 beaver

and why did man do the complete opposite?

Giant men. giant womanbats evolutionists help me out here?
It's called evolution, which is not a predictable process but depends on the circumstances surrounding the events.

One cannot forecast the path of future evolutionary progress, only look at the evidence of what has actually taken place in the past.
Reply:tell me more about the beaver!!!!!

the trilobytes and the colecanth
Reply:several recent /that means living today/ species deliver HUGE variety in body size -i.e. WOLVES, TIGERS. one of the basic biological laws states that the animals living in the colder climate produce bigger bodies, because these provide less body surface to volume ratio, which means better body temperature control.

the purposedly selected two species probably not even relative to each other should not be counted as an example of the "past" and "present" there were various types of mastodonts, some of them furry, some bald, some bitgger than recent elephants, some were in fact smaller.

The humans constantly happen to grow in size, because so far we are following the "initial" stages - note that in fact the biggest forms are the last ones - like the giant dinosaurs, giant mamooths, and giant birds of the Southern America prior to the linkage with the Northern America and its wide population of mammal carnivores.
Reply:does the bible talk about all of those?
Reply:Please stay away from creationist websites and read an actual book about evolution.

But for the first point....ever hear of plate tectonics? They make mountains =O
Reply:Why not try in the proper section? Or better yet, why not try the liberry?
Reply:I can't imagine why.

But I am pretty sure they existed more than 5000 years ago or someone would have wrote it down.
Reply:As life spread competition meant that smaller animals did better. There was also a much thicker atmosphere then.

Man has developed by using tools and his brain.

We are not that much bigger than we used to be and the increase is due to better nutrition.

Scientists dont have all the answers but they have more than the one

God did it.
Reply:Survey says- geologic change ( everest oysters) atmospheric change and survival advantage to being smaller ( more energy efficient to simply use a more advanced brain and not rely on being huge.) .As for us we got bigger than chimps to let us have longer legs and thereby run faster to allow hunting and meat for more protein for larger brains which helps us survive better.
Reply:oh I thought you said something else
Reply:Don't hate me because I'm better adapted.
Reply:There was giant men also.

The oxygen enriched planet was different before the flood. It produced a different world then we now know. I do believe in the canopy theory that there was a canopy of water around the earth making the whole of the world a tropical paradise.
Reply:There were small animals at the same time. It's like rats. Some species of rats are small, and some are dog sized.

The larger animals died. The ones that evolved to be smaller did so because they could not get enough food to sustain their large bodies.

Large animals had to evolve to be smaller so that they could get more food. At the same time, smaller animals, didn't have to compete as much with the larger animals so they were free to grow larger and take up space.

Also, I think you should learn more about genetics before you go asking a question like this. "Sabre tooth cats" are not that closely related to modern tigers. There were several different species of "sabre toothed cat", including smilodon, barbourofelis, and the marsupial lions, which werea actually more closely related to kangaroos than tigers, and are a perfect example of convergent evolution.
Reply:I think, it is in course of time.

Nature's expression.

None else can be made responsible.

Please try yourself by reversing the facts as why now like this small so big then etc..

You yourself will conclude that none else is responsible.
Reply:Giant cats - the world is full of giant cats, You could say that this is the Age of cats. Lions, Tigers, ocelots, panthers, pumas, etc. Take your pick for modern equivilent.

Spiders were once the size of the human head and did not hunt the dragon fly, the dragonfly hunted them. Scorpions were at one time tremendous.

Along with the mastodon and the sabre tooth tiger, ealry man likely also say that 50 foot shark you mentioned - megalodon.

Mastodon size and hair was an adaptation to the ice ages. Increased size results in fewer points of body weight per cubic foot of surface area making retaining heat easier. As the food supply and environment reacted to the passage of the ice age, mastodons changed and their change was also heavily influenced by being hunted by man.

sabre tooth tiger I know less about but, it actually didnt shrink to become the tiger. it simply went extinct. if i remember correctly, modern species of tiger are not direct descendents of sabre tooths

big beavers also went extinct due to over hunting (by humans). if they did evolve into the smaller version, it would have been a result of environmental changes and adaptation due to being preyed upon however, it is important to note that many organisms have shared the same body design without being directly related. this is one of the ways that proponents of intelligent design merge their Belief with evolution.

yes, it is interesting that man is becoming larger. it's also no surprise that man is the dominant life form and is the only creature which currently is considered as "intelligent".
Reply:smaller animals=more food

think about it
Reply:Creatures that are now larger than anything they evolved from:

-Felidae. Every last one. There are Felis Cattus (housecats) bigger than the largest paleolithic cats. Most of them were about the size of the modern bobcat, which is the smallest of the wild cats. The sabre toothed tiger (Smilodon) was not a "giant" cat. A modern lion or tiger would TOWER over them. Most tigers are over 300kg. It is estimated most smilodons were in the 200-300kg range. There was a brief period with a group of smilodons that are probably close to 400. the largest tiger ever was in the 500s. In 1973, the largest modern great cat was 798kg, and was a liger. Smildodon's ancestors were smaller than housecats. They reached a giant size, THEN DIED OUT because they were too big for their niche.

-Whales. Every last one. Whales started out around the size of marlins.

-Gorillas, specifically gorilla gorilla gorilla, the mountain gorilla, is the largest anything like that.

-Capybara, the largest true rodent, is the largest rodent ever. While it once had a giant offshoot, the small variety is contemporary with it- it did not evolve FROM the giant, the giant evolved from it.

I don't know how to tell you this, as well, but you're reading the phylogenic trees wrong.

The giant mastadon, the pygmy elephant and the current 4 species of elephant all track back phylogenically to something about the size of a bull moose. The current elephants we have evolved from a smaller size.

Edit: Megaladon is shark-like, not a true shark. Shall I say that the elephant seal is smaller than the elephant?

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