Wednesday, May 19, 2010

More for the not easily offended, second warning.?

Where is an Elephants sex organ?

In his feet, if he steps on you, your'e fu****

What do hockey goalies and Essex girls have in common?

They both change their pads after three periods

What do you get if you cross an american with a monkey?

Nothing, monkeys are too intelligent to f*** americans

What do you do if you see a drowning mexican?

Throw him an anchor

How do you save a drowning mexican?

Take your foot off his head

How do you kill an Irishman?

Slap the toilet seat over his head while he's taking a drink

What's the difference between a bowling ball and Madonna?

You can only get three fingers in a bowling ball

What's natural dentalfloss?

Pubic hair

Why do Italians wear hats?

To know which end to wipe

Why do Iraqis carry sh** in their wallets?

For identification

How do you get 4 gays on a barstool?

Turn it upside down

I am not a racist, I just enjoy raw humour.

More for the not easily offended, second warning.?
I'm an Essex girl and I'm part Irish. Your jokes are ok. So I anyone get's offende they should look at them as jokes and not just another reason to bring up the fing race issue.I'm sick of every one using the word racist in everything they fing hear. It makes me so angre. Keep telling your jokes coz they are ok.
Reply:got more of that?

from time to time it's great not to be pc ;-)

You deserve a star!!! *
Reply:Well done,young man!
Reply:Ha ha ha.!!!

Funny ones there Cactus.!!!
Reply:ha ha ha funny
Reply:I like it :-)
Reply:Good one.I can never remember funny jokes,so i will read these again.No one should take offense to this,you gave them warning.

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